
Social Media Marketing

Is your brand barely surviving because you are not able to sell products despite advertising digitally? Are your competitors able to clear out their shelves owing to frequent customer purchases? 

If they can secure profits, why not you? 

It seems you need to get your hands on the right digital marketing tool; social media marketing – build a strategy for it. No need to search for a social media marketing strategy anywhere else; from basic understanding to a well-crafted strategy, we got you covered in this writeup! 

  • Social Media Marketing; Recipe for Business Success in 2024

With an exponential increase in the use of the internet, the way people buy has changed. If you go back to the 2000s, visiting the stores to purchase something was a way to get hands on a product. Today, things have changed a lot. As per a finding by Sprout Social, “ 51.2% of people research brands online before making a purchase”. To add on, “71% of online users are more likely to make purchasing decisions based on reviews on social media”, as reported by Profile Tree. 


These statistics make it imperative to build social media handles and craft pragmatic strategies to help people buy from your brand. 

Did you know?

74% of consumers prefer social media shopping to purchase various goods.

  • Profile Tree (2024)

Keeping in mind all these mind-blowing statistics, it is recommended to build an effective social media marketing strategy to ensure high sales!

  • Crafting a success-guaranteed Social Media Marketing Strategy:

There are thousands of businesses operating that have varied niches. To help out every brand, we have compiled a well-researched and generalized social media marketing strategy so that no one is left out.


Therefore, you need to consider the following points to craft a strategy tailored to your business needs:


Step 1: Borderline your business niche 

Before we move into the nitty gritty details of SMM, you need to build a line around the services or products that your company specializes in. Whatever it is that you are providing, just stay linked to it.



If you own a sunglasses store, keep your focus on it. Do not hover around other glasses to grab customers. 


Step 2: Figure out your Unique Selling Point (USP)

Repetition in services or products by businesses bore people. Social Media Users are mostly looking for unique and stand-out type stuff. For this purpose, you need to come up with uniqueness in your business. 



Strategi-Mize is a digital marketing agency operating across borders. Its USP is that it not only provides services but also offers:

  • Application development for Android and IOS both
  • Result-guaranteed SEO practices
  • Discounts and design templates through quizzes 


If you look at Strategi-Mize’s competitors, you will barely find such a USP.


Step 3: Understand the demographics of the target audience :

Social Media Marketing is a target-oriented strategy to turn visitors into customers. For this purpose, you need to know every detail about your target audience. For this purpose, you need to ask yourself the following questions:


  • What is the age group of my target audience?
  • Are they educated or skilled?
  • What is the locality of my audience?
  • How strong is the final standing of my business?
  • Is my business their requirement or desire?


Step 4: Interpret the requirements of the targeted people

For an effective social media marketing strategy, it is necessary to understand the requirements of people. For this purpose, your brand must fulfil the wants of the targeted audience. If your brand isn’t on the needs or wish list of people, it will not go places. 


To save you from such situations, we have made a list of some questions for which you need to have answers!

  • What is it that people search for related to my business?
  • Is my business fulfilling the requirements of the people?
  • What else can my targeted audience ask for?

Step 5: Choose the right social media platform

Every social media platform has a certain audience. Not everyone uses every social media platform. Therefore, it is quintessential to choose the right platform for SMM. Once you have the right choice, start putting in effort!

Have a look at the following statistics related to the age group of users:


Social Media Platform        Age group ( Highest Share)
Instagram 18-30
Facebook 25-35
LinkedIn 25-34
TikTok 10-19 
X ( Formerly Twitter)  25-50


Source: Oberlo (2024)

Step 6: Post content systematically 

Once you have the right social media platform for your business, you have to start posting relevant content. Until or unless you post in an organized manner, it won’t bore fruit. For this purpose, you can follow the following content-posting strategy:


  • The first post can be about the stimulus behind starting your business. This can be followed by a 24-hour story. 

Pro Tip: 

Try to add visuals, it is much more engaging.


  • The second post can be about the emotional moment with the customer when you delivered more than what was in the agreement. 
  • Once you’ve mentally engaged about the audience, start posting about your services in the third post.


Post as per the insights of the post – what people want to see from you! )


Step 7: Check insights and responses of posts – tailor your social media marketing strategy accurately: 

Until or unless a strategy for social media marketing is reviewed and updated, success cannot be guaranteed! It is pertinent to check the insights of a specific post shared on social media handles. For this purpose, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which post had the highest likes, comments, shares and replies?
  • Which post or story had a mediocre response?
  • Which post was passed through by everyone?
  • What were the features of the post admired by most of the people? 

Step 8: Timely responses – the golden egg of social media marketing:

One of the best ways to get the most out of social media marketing is a timely response to comments and queries. Whenever a person gets a response, emotional attachment is formed. As a result, he/ she is more prone to trust you with his finances!


3) Impacts of Social Media Marketing on Small Business:

Social Media Marketing has numerous positive impacts on small businesses. To give you a brief overview have a look at the following diagram:


Brand awareness  Brand recognition Emotional attachment by sharing stories about the brand 
Mental connection by showing “ Behind the Scenes” Updates about discounts and the latest products paving the way for social media branding Cultivation of a sustainable clientele 


Regarding the aforementioned impacts of SMM, it is pertinent for small businesses to incorporate it into their marketing plans!

  • Conclusion:

To conclude, SMM is the tool you need in 2024 to market your business. Whether it is a startup or a medium company, a vibrant social media handle is all you need. However, it is important to underscore the importance of choosing the right social media platform to derive success-oriented results!

  • FAQs 

  • Is social media marketing a DIY task?

If you have read our writeup carefully, it should be a DIY task. If not, you can reach out to us!

  • How can a Social Media Marketing Specialist help my brainchild stand out?

An SMM specialist knows the curves which social media handles take. They know what to post, how to post and when to post. They are also experienced in deriving high sales owing to carefully knitted strategies for your brainchild.

  • How long does it take to obtain results from SMM?

Social Media Marketing is all about research, testing and reviewing until you get the desired results. If your SMM strategy is as needed, it should start showing results after a week or so!

  • Is marketing on social media apt for my construction business in Sutton, United Kingdom?

Yes, it surely is. If you have a look at the sales of your competitors, most of them have secured it through social media handles. Therefore, you cannot deny its importance for your construction business.